I know I've postet a lot of stuff lately, but only old stuff made for the last issue of our mag. That means I made it before the Summer vacation... so, it's been a looong while since last time I enjoyed scrapping. I haven't even had the guts to start on the long list of great challenges you gave me.
That's why I'm so pleased by today's work! I enjoyed making it! It's a birthday gift for a new friend of mine. I should have been at her birthday party this weekend, but had to say no because of to many other plans. So, instead of beeing at the party tomorrow, I've pre-celebrated her today while making this gift/card :) I guess that's why I loved making it so much... It's really made with tons of love and warm thoughts (and that's the best recipe of all!).

The card is huge, made on heavy card stock, size A4. The papers are all from Panduro - Tilda.

The gift - a silver heart necklace - in incorporated in the card, but still possible to remove and use as a regular jewel.

Hand sewn details, altered paper edges...

Thickers and stickers, flowers and bling...

A wooden heart, and a cute butterfly...

The back of the card.

And a ribbon bow where the necklace is tied to the card.
Wish you all a great weekend :)
6 kommentarer
For en heldig venninne!! :) Utrolig fint!
Jeg har foressten begynt og tegne litt sånne petit dolls...gjør ikke du også det?? God helg, Klem Cathrine
For et aldeles superlekkert kort.
Er skråsikker på at dette faller i smak hos mottakeren.
Ha ei super helg.
Klem fra Kaia
Oh wow Ashild, this is truly beautiful and so feminine. Your friend Ingrid is going to just love this.
Sååå lekkert buredagskort, Åshild!! Herlige farger du har brukt :)Det blir garantert satt stor pris på :)
Gleder meg sååå til neste helg, ses snart vennen :))Klem!
wow! Dette kortet er heilt rått!!!
Kan tenke meg dette kortet kommer til og bli veldig godt mottatt. Gjennomført og lekkert som vanlig.
Ha en fin søndag!
What a beautiful mix of goodies...
Your friend must have loved it!
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