søndag, juli 26, 2009

Some glimps from my birthday

I've been complaining about my bicycle for a while, and my hubby (OP) actually wanted to by me a new one for my birthday. But I stopped him. It's way too expencive for a birthday present! And, I also told him (stupid, stupid, stupid Åshild!!!) that I first wanted to see the next couple of weeks how much I actually use the bike before concider buing a new one... So, instead of a brand new bike, he bought me a pink bike helmet! And new biking shorts (the ones that makes you feel like a overgrownedup Pamper's up'n go-kid...!). And I just know that the next weeks are dedicated to bicyckling - dressed up in a pink helmet and a sexy Pampers up'n go size XL...! What a scenario.... say no more...
Okey - just to be sure you got the whole picture: I did like my presents! I needed a new biker shorts, and I know (at least the rational part of me, if not quite the vainy part...) that I need a helmet if I'm to go biking. And, hopefully this will get me on the right track - and in some weeks I'll buy me a brand new bike on sale :)

And we've spent this beautiful day at Skrim, a nearby mountain. We walked for about 3 hours and it was all just beautiful. A great way of spending the birthday :)
Now off for some birthday food & cake at Peppe's *lol* I like to do it the easy way....
Thanks for all your sweet comments and wishes. I really appreciate it.


9 kommentarer

Gro sa...

Gratulerer med Dagen.

Beata Ewa sa...

Gratulerer så masse med dagen, Åshild!!

Det var kjempekule og nyttige gaver!! Disse bleiebukser har jeg også - de er faktisk ganske komfortable :-)

Enjoy your cycling!!!

Klem, Beata

Mariannes gjenbruk sa...

Gratulerer med dagen ;-)

Christine Schärfer sa...

Ja må hon leva, ja må hon leva.... Grattis på födelsedag!

Christine - den stämpeltokige

eba sa...

Gratulerer med dagen :) Stilig hjelm ;)

❤ Kaia sa...

Kul Hjelm.
Lykke til med syklinga fremover, man blir jo litt inspirert av Tour de France :o)
Nattaklem fra Kaia :o)

ChezJeanette sa...

Gratulerer med dagen Åshild! Vi får sykle en tur sammen da, og folk vil tror vi er tvillinger...for jeg har sånn hjelm jeg også :-)

Else Irene sa...

Så flotte gaver du fikk!! Likte hjelmen din kjempegodt :) Skikkelig kul var den.

Det så jammen deilig ut med fjelltur i fint vær :)Her øser, pøser det ned i dag.....

Ha en fin dag, vennen!!

Ilka sa...

I´m impressed...you can go on bycicle-trips with your new outfit!
And...yeah!...I KNOW "Peppe´s" now! :o)) Yummy...Pizza!
And I looove the Blåbær´s so much...
Tomorrow we will go to Geirangerfjorden. :o)))

xo Ilka