fredag, juli 23, 2010

A trip to Utsira, the smallest municipality in Norway

We've spent this gorgeous summer day taking a trip to Utsira, the smallest municipality in Norway, with it's 213 inhabitants. You need to take a ferry to get there, a one hour-trip from Haugesund. The weather was perfect, but yesterday's wind was still working the sea, so I got really seasick on the way over to the little island. It took me some hours to recover, but when I finally managed to eat something, I was ready to explore the beauty of the island. 

A glimpse of Haugesund, taken from the ferry (before the sea started rocking big time...). 

One of many itty bitty tiny lighthouses:

The first thing we did, was to climb our way up to the lighthouse on the island. The view was spectacular! And the lighthouse charming de lux: 

 The view from the lighthouse:

Then we walked across the island. It' not bigger than 6 km2 so it's perfect for walking or bicycling. On the other end of the island there is a tiny center, with a grocery and a small harbor. And look at the tiny tractor as well! Fit's perfect in amongst all the small 'n tiny stuff on the island :) 

On the top of a flag pole a seagull is resting. Or observing? 

Happy lives of happy 'n well fed sheep:

A beautiful butterfly in a beautiful field of corn flowers:

The beauty of nature:

Thanks for taking the trip together with me :)
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
The trip back to Haugesund was just fine! I didn't get seasick at all (just a bit sun burnt...)!

5 kommentarer

Eli sa...

Hadde sååå lyst på en tur dit nå når vi var nedover til Haugesund men det ble dessverre ikke noe av. Nå har jeg kost meg med de fantastisk flotte bildene dine og vært litt der lell. Klem

Unknown sa...

Flott reklame for et vakkert sted! Har aldri vært der, men jeg koser meg heller med bildene dine enn å ta sjansen på en ferjetur på vuggende bølger. Blir fort dårlig, jeg også.....

I dag skal det lukes ugress i strålende sol!

cathi sa...

Great photos.

Marianne sa...

You have awesome photo's! Love to read your story also.
We love Norway (and whole Scandinavia) and visit as much as we can. Unfortunally we don't go to Norway this year but we were there last year and oh boy...we miss it so much. Especially now we see your great photo's!

Atle Grimsby sa...

Flotte Utsira Fotos Åshild :-)