I'm joining the band of all of you that make Top 10 lists! I've had so much fun today visiting your blogs and looking at all the gorgeous stuff you've made this year. Thank you for the inspiration :)
I actually had an easy job picking mine, 'cause I haven't made tons of cards this year... I've played to much with paint and Art Journaling... *lol* But never the less - here's my list:
1. This was a card made for the mag - with selfdesigned new stamps. It's always exciting to use new stamps! And the card was made in my "Stiching maniac" period... You'll find more details here:
Window card
2. This card was made for a girl's confirmation. All I knew about her was that she loved fingerboards. So I made a fingerboard card :) More details here:
Fingerboard card
3. I had a crush on pastels (and sewing) (and flowers) (and pearls) (*lol*) when I made this card for the mag. More details:
4. This one just to show you that I have hÄnglar stamps too...! Not too many, and not too well used, but I have the stamps! And I've used my abosulute favourite color combo - red & turquoise. (I love the combo sooo bad that I'm about to fill my home with stuff in these colors!)

5. 2009 has been a year filled with beautiful moments, and making new friends are the most precious ones. This card was made for a beautiful woman that I hope to share tons of moments with in the next years. More details:
Ingrid go'ing
6. I renewed our bedroom this year, and put up a gorgeous wallpaper. Still madly in love with it! And a dear friend of mine challenged me to make a card with the wallpaper... Here's how it turned out. More pictures here:
Wallpaper card
7. I had really planned to join the challenges of 2S4Y this year, but ended up just making a few... I'm glad it soon will be 2010 - new year, fresh start :) Here are some more pictures:
2S4Y entry
8. This card just makes me smile. It's one of these cards you have SO clear pictures of in your mind, but when it comes to turning it into real, it lives it's own life. Totally! You may call it magic :) More details:
9. I just love doodling. And mixed media. And collaging. And painting. And mixing it all together! I made this card for a class at the Ski gathering and it's one of very few cards that I have had troubles giving away! More about the card:
10. The last card I've picked for my list, is a "F I N A L L Y!!!! I'm over the frustrating creative block!!!"-card. I hate those periods. Really! Big time! And the joy I feel when I manage to create again is huge! Details:
VennskapWell, that's my list for 2009. Hopefully I'll find joy and pleasure in card making in 2010 too.
4 kommentarer
Jeg er en stor fan av all din kunst!!
Elsker fargekomboene dine,blir sååå glad av dem :)
Og detaljene, *dåne* de er i en klasse for seg!!
Jeg er så heldig å ha fått Ski-kortet og det pryder veggen min,og er til stor inspirasjon!!
Du er superduper dyktig,Åshild-vennen!!
Tusen takk for all inspirasjon i 2009 og for all glede!
Godt nytt år til dere!!
Go`klem fra Maya :)
Så flott å se listen din. Det oser Åshild av den. Alt du lager er så gjennomført. Alle kortene er vidunderlig vakre, men kort nummer tre husker jeg spesielt fra da du laget det. Det gikk rett inn i hjertet mitt både da og nå.
Ønsker deg et godt og kreativt nytt år.
Nyttårsklem fra Trine :)
N Y D E L I G ! ! ! !
Hva skal man si, du inspirerer. :)
Nydelig samling.....
Tusen takk for all inspirasjon i 2009. Må kreativiteten flomme over oss alle i 2010, og la det bli et år fylt av kjærlighet og glede.
Ha en super nyttårsfeiring.
Klem fra Kaia
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