lørdag, oktober 15, 2011

OUAS Oct 15th - "The embarrassing photoshoot"

Here is my take on the Oct 15th sketch. ”The embarrassing photoshoot.”
The journaling is in Norwegian, so I’ll try to translate it:

”This is just embarassing! ’nough said. Even with my little sister’s smart modelling advice the resault is not at all impressive. I’m just not photogenic. But, I’ll give myself some cred for trying. 100%! I’m just blessed with bad odds…”

”The medal allways has a back side..” (written in the smal frame)

5 kommentarer

pia iris sa...

ja vi liker som regel ikke bli tatt bilder av, men jeg syns du var flott jeg.
og LOen var bare suuuuper. digger de rammene og kult at den er i bare grønn.
ha en flott helg. klem pia

Heike sa...

Kule bilder og kul lo- har savnet deg altfor mye i helgen...

sandi sa...

Love your lo! So upbeat and fun looking! Great pics too.

Camilla sa...

Syns tittelen va så stilig! Veldig kul, morsom og personlig LO, nice, Åshild;)

Vibeke sa...

Denne er bare sååå kul!! DIGGER!!:)