This weeks challenge at WS is 'glasses', and since I don't have any stamps of glasses, I decided to make a page for my Art Journal using pictures of my collection of the glasses I've weared since I started using glasses 12 years old. And oh my God - the glasses are just stunningly beautiful! *lol* Okey, let's look at them as treasures with great sentimental value!
The red/lilac plastic framed glasses is typical for the eighties, right? And then I had some years with the classic 'student glasses' - the round ones... In fact, the roundier, the cooler... mine wasn't too cool, I admit that... My next glasses is more sofisticated, like I had to show the world how mature I had become...
Today I just wear contact lences. And totally love it! I just use my glasses when I fumble from the bed to the bathroom in the morning. Actually I hate having something on my nose...
So, let's give a praise to the person who invented the lences! :)
22 kommentarer
Great spread.
Super! Great idea
So creative and so much fun! Love this.
Wow this is funny. Great design and idea. Awesome.
Brilliant, great idea
Great idea, I like it very much!
greetz, Ezzie
Wow this is great and a perfect design
Great!!! love it!
Crazy and cool!!!! I love it! And there is German language, isn't it?
No...not German language, but "Brille" means glasses on German so it is like Norway language!
that is cool and veryy funny! great alterd book pages!!!
Altså - det der kunne ha kommet ut av min "brillekoffert"!! Studentbrillene mine var litt rundere men ellers altså - tvillingbrillesjeler!! *ler* Nå bruker vi også samme linsene forøvrig;) Kjempeflott - som alltid Åshild!
Klem, E
Fab pages.
Oh my, when I look back at some of the glasses I used to wear, I could crawl under the sofa!!!
Thankfully I only need them for distance!
Dette var jammen en brillefin side, åshild! Du har sånn en levende blog og du bobler over av farger og kreativitet - du er heldig!
Jammen er det forskjell på trender innen brillefonten. Dine bilder er i hvert fall et eksempel på det!
Hærlig innlegg og flott design!
Super super super,
THis is the funniest :) Thanks for sharing your 'glasses-history'.
wow, great idea, fantastic compositon!
Totally fun to see...=)
Absolutely stunning!! Perfect answer on this week's theme.
Jeg kvapp sånn da jeg så denne siden for jeg har en journalside i hodet mitt som ligner så veldig men med ett helt annet tema. Jeg mangler bare bildene. Gleder meg til jeg skal ta hauger med brillebilder.
Flott side!!!
Great idea, love the journal pages!
cool and funny :-)
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